Thursday, May 1, 2014

a time to pray~ NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER 2014

Father, many things have gone wrong here. Sin is the culprit, evil is its result and death is the enemy. But you have overcome sin, evil and death and in YOU we have hope and are more than conquerors.

As we pray on this day that has been set aside for the collective pleas for our nation, I ask that YOUR will be done, YOUR kingdom come on earth as in heaven. Then, and only then, will our path be straightened. 

Give us new eyes--your eyes. Give us new hearts--your heart. Give us faithful, obedient, submissive attitudes so that we are your ambassadors in this dark and hurting world.

We thank you for the unmerited favor you've given us. We praise you for Jesus' blood and righteousness that is the propitiation for our sins and is imputed to us at salvation by faith alone through your grace. Thank you that your ways are higher, your thoughts are greater and your work is unmatched. Help us--through the surrender of our lives-- be faithfully committed to furthering YOUR plan here. May we give our all as you have given YOUR all for us.

       In our Savior, Jesus Christ's, matchless name. Amen.

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