Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Who's on First?

Me. It's a tiny little word that we all learn early. This morning, I stopped by Leslie's house to pick up some study material I needed in order to prepare for a class I'll be co-leading this summer at church. While there, I held Lilia for only a few seconds before Ava Grace noticed and started saying, "Me!". "Me!" "Me, Nana!"

Some people believe that humans are born basically good. This mistaken impression not only contradicts the teachings of scripture, it is a dangerous assumption because it can lead us to compare ourselves to each other (or really bad others) rather than comparing ourselves to our Holy, Heavenly Father.

In truth, we come into to the world bent on having things our way, getting what we want, and securing the good things first for ourselves. You only have to observe a toddler for minutes to see the sin nature rear its ugly head. Why share when we are bigger, stronger, or smarter? Why listen when what we're being told conflicts with what we prefer to do?

Just like little children, we often fail to see the harm or dangers that lurk on the other side of God's warnings and reminders. We want what we want, when we want it, exactly as we've ordered--anything less is insufficient for feeding our gluttonous fleshly appetites.

Today's scriptures are Psalm 111 through 118. The verses all paint incredible pictures of the majesty, glory and worthiness of God. We are reminded that it is in and through Him alone that we are secure and forgiven and that only when we submit and surrender to His Lordship can we say with the Psalmist that we "will not be overcome by evil," or that we "will not fear bad news".

But we, me, I, fight to be first--to be fed--to be foremost, to take the position that belongs only to God. Any attempt we make to find fulfillment and purpose apart from humble worship and submission to Christ is always vain and void. Consider these words from Psalm 115:

1 Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
but to your name goes all the glory
for your unfailing love and faithfulness.

Not to us! ALL glory and honor belongs to the Lord. Search, seek, and strive to take what is His for yourself and you will search a lifetime without success. Seek Him first--and His righteousness, and ALL that you really need will then be added. (Matthew 6:33)

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