Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Question to ponder...

I just listened to a thought provoking discussion about Christless Christianity at the White Horse Inn. Like some of you, I'm a teacher, but mostly, I'm still a student. For that reason, I very much appreciate the chance to hear lively debate among scholars who are passionate about the Christian faith and their service to Jesus Christ.

For anyone who reads this blog and is also a Bible teacher or Christian communicator, Bishop William H. Willimon, Wofford, Yale and Emory graduate, and former Dean of the Chapel and Professor of Christian Ministry at Duke University poses this question:
Before you put the finishing touches on your message, ask yourself: for this sermon (talk/lesson/message) to be true, was it necessary for Christ to have been crucified?

If you enjoy lively theological debate, you can hear the White Horse Inn discussions at the site.

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